
Accountability at your pace

It can be hard finding the motivation or having the idea but no plan to follow through.

You don’t have to do it on your own.

What’s Included

Weekly Check Ins.

Weekly or bi-weekly 30 min check-in telephone or video calls catered to addressing concerns and developing strategies to meet your goals.

Goal Setting.

Setting SMART goals or objectives that you wish to achieve with encouragement and support.

Plan and execute.

Developing effective plans and setting timelines through routines; preparing for hurdles that might get in the way.

We support

Individuals who may be struggling with:

  • Finding time for self-care

  • Managing your time

  • Developing a regular routine

  • Studying for exam or completing homework

  • Imposter syndrome

  • Procrastination or motivation

The goal is to provide with you with:

  • A consistent routine

  • A cheerleader

  • Alternative strategies

  • Accountability

Self-care eBook PDF by Chantal Gray

Interested in an Accountability Circle?

Connect with other like-minded people who are wanting to improve their self-care habits.


  • Coaches are supportive individuals who keep you on track of your goals, provide motivation and offer suggestions or tools to keep you working toward your goals. We can support you in getting unstuck, developing a positive mindset using effective techniques.

  • Sessions include a mood check in, setting agenda on topic that will be discussed, developing strategies and routine, and home practice.

  • We are available to provide 30min to 45min session, in which the price will be increased. The check-in session length can be discussed with the Accountability Partner.

Check-In Booking

  • Pay per session


    Weekly or Bi-weekly session

    Schedule a consultation first, to see if we are the right self-care coach for you.

  • Package

    $250 includes 4 sessions

    Weekly or Bi-weekly session

    Schedule a consultation first, to see if we are the right self-care coach for you.

An accountability partner is able to perceive what you can't see when blind spots and weaknesses block your vision…

- Charles Stanley