4 Ways to Deal with Change
There have been so many changes since 2020. These changes include children doing online schooling, to being back in the classrooms, to returning back online, losing jobs, and businesses opening then closing.
Change is stressful and during this time it is so important to find balance and ways to manage these stressful changes in a healthy way. Change can cause varying stress related symptoms such as: headaches, insomnia, digestive problems, depression, and anxiety. These are some strategies that may be during this time of change:
Take this time to acknowledge and sit with the uncomfortable feelings of change. These feelings could include feelings of overwhelm, sadness, anxiousness, happiness or anger.
Reframe change, by viewing it as an opportunity to discover new strengths, skills or build resilience. Ask yourself, what is something new that I can learn about myself?
Try to maintain some form of normalcy, through the use of routine and habits. Find control in the things you can control, and let go where you can’t.
Self-care is essential during change. It is important to take care of yourself, have community support and develop healthy coping strategies such as exercising and getting enough sleep.